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Flats at Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne

Sea Defences On-Line Meeting 29 Nov 2021

The video recording of SHRA's hour-and-a-half online event held on 29 November is now available. If you don't see the video playing on this webpage you can download the file instead (note that it is a very large (500MB) MP4 file).  The video includes the presentations given by Ian Thomas of PCDL and by the EA's Andy Walker.  Ian's presentation covers the history of the beach work that PCDL carries out and the reasons for it and illustrates why groynes are being phased out.  Andy's presentation introduces the Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne Coastal Management Project and answers questions posed by Sovereign Harbour residents.

The slides used in the presentations are available as PDF files.

Slides from PCDL... (large file)
Slides from EA... 

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