Sovereign Harbour Residents Association banner
The Waterfront  Sovereign Harbour

About SHRA

The Sovereign Harbour Residents Association (SHRA) was established in 2000 to consolidate and represent the views of the Harbour's entire residential community.

We believe Sovereign Harbour residents and householders have an essential role in ensuring the continuing success of our community, which benefits fellow householders and marina visitors alike. SHRA gives homeowners and residents a louder and more coordinated voice over Harbour issues that affect them.

Membership of the SHRA is open to all households in owned or rented residential property located within the Sovereign Harbour estate.


The association's management is vested in a committee of up to fourteen SHRA members comprising a chair, deputy chair, treasurer, secretary and up to ten other committee members. For further details, see the SHRA Constitution... 

Help Us

We welcome SHRA members' assistance and skills in running the association. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss becoming involved with your local Association by serving on the committee.


The Association works hard to address and resolve issues with relevant individuals, companies, organisations, and local and national government bodies.

Concerns we have raised in the past or continue to raise, include:

• Opposing the building of a B&Q Superstore on Site 6 in 2005.
• Campaigned for a purpose-built medical centre. Achieved in 2011.
• Campaigning for a purpose-built community centre. Achieved in 2019
• Pressing EBC over their failure to provide community facilities.
• Campaigning for fair, legal and transparent flood protection charges.
• We canvassed residents on having a Community Council.
• Pushing for a cross-harbour bus lane and more frequent bus services.
• Seeking appropriate development of the remaining development sites.
• Scrutinising the size, number and mix of future residential development plans.
• Seeking finalisation of the ‘Marina Village’ concept and the business park.
• Pressing for the provision of appropriate open spaces.
• Bridge raising times.
• Litter and dog fouling.

If you want to raise or discuss an issue, please contact SHRA. Correspondence received by SHRA is treated as confidential and will not be published on the website or in Waterlines.


The Association canvasses residents to ensure it always represents the majority's view. We keep residents informed of our work and Harbour issues and events via our:

• Website - frequently updated at
• E-bulletin - delivered by email. Click here to subscribe.
• Notice board - affixed to the wall by Seasons bistro at The Waterfront.
• PDF Newsletter - Waterlines, published online ever second month starting February.


The SHRA committee meet monthly.  Public Meetings are held whenever necessary, and the Annual General Meeting is usually held during May.  Residents will receive notification of meetings through Waterlines, the e-bulletin and the notice board. Notes of past meetings are available on this page.

Join Us

Please see the Join page for details of the annual membership subscription.

Contact us

To contact SHRA please click here to visit our Contacts page >